The Polite Pups Experience

Client Testimonials

Ruby - Training Client


Investing in puppy training - even if you have had a dog before - is being a responsible pet owner and could save you time and money later….and could even prevent you and your dog from getting into a very serious situation.

We learned how to communicate effectively with our dog - she is always looking to please us. But if we don’t let her know what behaviours we are looking for it can be very frustrating for all.

The positive reinforcement techniques that you provided us can be used anytime/anywhere - and by all members of our family.

Our walks are so much more enjoyable! I still give Ruby the first 10 minutes to “check her P-mail” and then I stop and let her know it’s time for a walk (“let’s go!). If she still wants to get out front we do lots of turns, big steps, and weaves – it is more fun for both of us!

Positive approach training has made our relationship with our dog better and I believe every dog owner should do some training before they get a dog - even if they’ve had dogs before!

Thanks for all your support Donna!

Loretta and Ruby

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